Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Paper Trading

The AT&T trade wouldn't have gone the way I wanted had I been able to put it on. I may have been able to break even before the stock turned around and ran the other direction. I'll post more about that later.

Over at Investopedia they have a simulator for paper trading the stock market. I'm planning on using that to paper trade for the remainder of the fiscal quarter, develop some more confidence and come up with some rules for my trading system. I will be using all the same money management rules and tracking for the paper trading excercise. If I do see a trade that I can enter with my real money account I will. I'll update here for the paper trading as well.

I'm also learning more about 'paintbars', which are a programable option in the QuoteTracker software. Basically they can recreate all the user friendly 'signals' that you see in the over-hyped software advertised on TV. If selected indicators are behaving in a defined way symbols and/or coloring can be added to the charts with these "paintbars". Yesterday I set up a paintbar to show the "Impulse indicator" suggested in Come into my Trading Room. I'll see what else I can come up with.

Current Trades

What is it? BlahBlah

Ticker: XXXX

Cost: $X.XX

Value: $X.XX

Exit Point: $X.XX

Trading Account Summary

Current Balance: $X.XX

Current Value: $X.XX

Highest Value: $X.XX

Lowest Value: $X.XX

Highest Drawdown: XX%


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only paper trade to get used to the software. Every one makes money paper trading, trading real money is always different because of emotions and also, simulators dont account for slippage and where a specialist would print you. Trade 100 share lots when you can. Good luck on the trading, i'm looking forward to seeing how your trading comes along.

11:07 PM  

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